Why Donate?

Social connection and youth mental well-being are the top two priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General. Loneliness and isolation has become so severe, particularly for young people, that it has been declared an epidemic.

HuddLUp is directly addressing these issues. It’s simple, it’s effective, and it can be integrated into schools nationwide in a matter of months; but only if we can raise the money needed to train more Program Leaders.

Scroll down to learn more about HuddLUp and the impact that you can have.

Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General

“Lacking connection can increase the risk of premature death to levels comparable to smoking daily.”

The charts below show the national trends for social connection based on research collected and reviewed by The U.S. Surgeon General.

# of Hours With Friends Every Month

# of Hours Alone Every Month

# of Hours With Family Every Month


Our work is focused on three simple principles: physical engagement, breathing, and inclusion.


  • As humans are naturally social. We NEED the touch and physical interaction of other people. Sadly, many youth can go weeks or even months without so much as a hug or even a high five. Our games encourage physical interaction which helps with peer bonding and provides important stimulation in the brain that leads to healthy development.

  • HuddLUp Games create a real world environment to practice Social and Emotional Learning skills. Our games provide practice on the following traits: Adaptability, Empathy, Proactivity, Interpersonal Communication, Integrity, Honest, Resilience, Group Dynamics, Sensitivity to Others, Encouragement, Compassion, Optimism, Listening, and Positive Self-Esteem.


  • Slowing your breathing with large full breaths is important in reducing stress and improving your bodies ability to properly circulate blood. This is why we provide belly breathing practice.

  • An alarming number of young people are now breathing regularly through their mouth, rather than their nose. There is a lot of research that shows how mouth breathing leads to higher levels of anxiety. HuddLUp provides techniques to learn how to retrain your breath and reduce anxiety.



  • This is what motivated Jerry on his path, 20 years ago, after surviving a school shooting. The shooter made Jerry promise he would do everything in his power to make sure no child felt invisible. The pain of that feeling is what lead to the Rocori High School shooting, and so many others.

  • HuddLUp participants report improved relationships between peers and better classroom dynamics after integrating HuddLUp in the classroom. This leads to overall improved performance and in the long term, will lead to stronger communities.

Our Programs

Transforming Lives

We surveyed teachers that used HuddLUp in their classroom during the 2022-2023 school year. Some teachers shared the written responses shown below. The chart shown here reflects responses to this question: On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 represents “provides no value” and 10 represents “transforming lives,” how would you rate your overall experience with HuddLUp?

Fund A Teacher

Cover the cost for someone to take our 3-day HuddLUp workshop in St. Cloud so that they can bring the power of HuddLUp to their classroom or youth group.

Fund a Classroom

Fund a HuddLUp Program Leader to be part of one classroom for a full year. Read the testimonials above to see the incredible impact that this can have.

Fund A School

True change comes when everyone is part of the solution. A donation at this level or above can transform the culture of a school and community in a matter of weeks or months.

Will you stand by while this epidemic spins out of control, or will you do something to create a better future for everyone?

Your donation to HuddLUp will help bring an end to the epidemic of loneliness and isolation we are facing today.

Please mail checks to:

HuddLUp International
PO Box 1042
St. Cloud, MN 56302

Or click the donation button above and fill out the form to receive a donation packet in the mail.