Social Connections - A Top Priority of the U.S. Surgeon General

The Department of Health and Human Services has created a great new website that allows you to learn more about the importance of Social Connections and how we can invest in creating a better future for everyone. As you explore the information, you’ll see that many of the issues they are describing are what HuddLUp has been designed to address. Take a moment to check out this fascinating website:


These key takeaways are highlighted on the website:

1) Humans are wired for social connection, but we’ve become more isolated over time.

HuddLUp is designed to build connection through physical interaction, because you need to be physically present to be able to build that connection with others.

2) Social connection significantly improves the health and well-being of all individuals.

We’ve seen this in all of the classrooms that we’ve been in. Watch our teacher testimonials on YouTube so you can see first hand the impact that HuddLUp can make because of the connections it creates.

3) Social connection is vital to community health and success.

HuddLUp classrooms become more connected and engaged which leads to improvements across the board. In turn, this creates young people ready to move our communities forward.

4) Together, we can advance social connection and improve our nation’s public health

We can not do this work alone. Download our app, or make a donation so that you can be part of the change need to build a strong society through better social connections.


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US Surgeon General Warns of an Epidemic of Loneliness